Which are the Loharu to Delhi Sarai Rohilla trains today? There are 6 direct trains from Loharu Junction to Delhi Sarai Rohilla which includes 5 daily trains and 1 biweekly train.
in Duronto, ₹1115 (1A) in Mail Express and ₹1190 (1A) in Super Fast trains . There are 6 direct trains from Loharu Junction to Dahar Ka Balaji which includes 3 daily trains and 1 weekly train.
Answer to high ocean acidity may lie in carbon transfer from wetlands ...
Kurukshetra Junction, Loharu, Mahendragarh, will have an Amrit station, he said. The minister said that with a focus on safety, the budget has allocated Rs 1,16,000 crore for expenditure this year.