A pair of beavers have been reintroduced to a South Downs stream to help restore waterways and create a flourishing wildlife ...
The Fairhope French Quarter, a charming alley off Section Street, houses additional shops and restaurants in a setting inspired by New Orleans architecture. Hanging baskets overflow with flowers, and ...
There are places in this world that feel like they exist in a different dimension of time, where the second hand on your watch seems to slow down and your blood pressure drops about ten points just by ...
The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) Heritage Trust Program recently acquired a 122.6-acre tract of land located on Coosaw Island in Beaufort County. This is the 19th Cultural ...
Over the years, I have visited Kek Lok Si Temple light-up on several occasions. Every time, I was fascinated by the ...
Owned by the state of California and maintained by San Mateo County ... 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Baylands Preserve features an observation deck and boardwalk, the Duck Pond and Byxbee Park. Photos by Devin ...
WildCare Oklahoma responded to a report of a oil spill in the Duck Pond on OU’s campus Monday, collecting eight ducks for ...
A local wildlife center is racing to save some beloved ducks at the University of Oklahoma’s campus after diesel spilled into their pond.
The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) said that diesel got in the duck pond at the University of Oklahoma last week after a power plant pump malfunctioned and spilled over two gallons of ...
The duck pond at the University of Oklahoma is raising some concern after some residents have noticed a strong chemical odor.