Not every bee lives in a hive and makes honey. But some of those other bees are necessary for a healthy garden. Mason bees, for instance, are small native bees with 150 species found in North America.
Solvin Zankl (Germany) carefully watches a two-coloured mason bee build the roof of its nest. While exploring a favourite haunt in central Germany, Solvin came across several tiny piles of sticks on ...
Blue calamintha bees — These metallic blue mason bees rely entirely on two rare flowers found in central Florida’s fragile sand pine scrub ecosystems. Habitat loss to agricultural, commercial and ...
By WALLY PECK, Beltrami County Master Gardener Got bees? The question pops out at you from the flashing sign for a hardware store. The motivation is to sell you sprays or traps to eliminate these ...
Now more than ever, sustainability-minded gardeners and homeowners are seeking ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle. One of the ...