According to the Tennessee Valley Authority on Sunday, February 16, the dam is spilling nearly 2 million gallons of water per second. A Mayfield man was arrested on multiple charges after officers ...
According to the Mayfield Police Department, in the early hours of Sunday, February 16, a witness reported that they had ...
This is the effort to re-establish wild steelhead runs above Mayfield Dam by trucking wild adults above the dams, so they can spawn in the upstream habitat. These are unclipped wild fish that must ...
Two people were seriously injured in a crash in Butler County, Mo. A Mayfield man was arrested on multiple charges after officers were called to a break-in at home early Monday morning, February 17.
River flow below Mayfield Dam is 7,620 cubic feet per second on Wednesday, and water visibility was 10 feet and water temperature was 42.3 degrees. The Washougal has been fishing slow this week ...