Thursday officially marked one year until the opening ceremonies of the 2026 Winter Olympics, hosted for the first time by two cities: Milan and Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy.
Nell Smith, the 17-year-old who worked with the Grammy award-winning band The Flaming Lips, died in a car crash in October.
The century-old sliding center being completely rebuilt for the 2026 Milan-Cortina Winter Games is pushing the deadline ...
The 2026 Milan Cortina Winter Games, which open one year from today, feature the Olympic debuts of one sport and six new ...
Next year’s Olympics might be called the Milan Cortina Games but it will actually be staged across a large swath of northern ...
The International Olympic Committee has set a deadline for the end of next month for pre-certification of the Cortina track.
Se durante un weekend d’inverno si passa dopo le tre del pomeriggio per un locale nelle località sciistiche più di moda in ...
(ANSA) - MILANO, 27 GEN - La Borsa di Milano apre in calo, con gli investitori che guardano a Mps (-1,54%) e Mediobanca (+0,43%) dopo l'offerta lanciata da Siena su Piazza Cuccia. Il primo indice ...
With several major runs converging on this point it always attracts a crowd at après-ski time, and things can get quite lively as the evening wears on, especially later in the season, when the ...
Poi siamo i prossimi in pista con Milano-Cortina", ha proseguito. Sullo stato dei lavori ha concluso: "Siamo concentrati sul risolvere i problemi, l'emozione poi arriverà. Ma quando arrivano i ...