The Midlands' link to the historic Surrealist art movement ... later lived in Solihull. Throughout the 1930s and 40s, Bridgwater worked with a group who became known as the Birmingham Surrealists.
An outdoor exhibition is to celebrate a town's links to the Surrealist art movement. Surreal Solihull will display the work of Emmy Bridgwater, an artist and poet born in Birmingham in 1906 ...
Claire Howard from Solihull was able to travel after she ... mum-of-two Claire realised she could use Birmingham Airport to embark on 'extreme day trips' - where travellers use local airports ...
Field moved to Solihull in the West Midlands and worked ... He drove home from a Birmingham pub and was breathtested. He was fined £150 and, crucially, a saliva swab was taken.
The poster features the artist's signature fleur-de-lis and heart and the festival motto, "Mardi Gras for the Mind.” “The New Orleans Book Festival is a celebration of stories, ideas and ...
Charly Allso, from Solihull ... UK, external after spending much of her early 20s hospitalised by illness. "Yes I've got a disability, yes I've got a deaf cat but if I put my mind to something ...
Many council flats in Solihull are heated and get their hot water through biomass energy, which some experts believe is better for the environment than traditional forms, like gas. But a petition ...
It is being led by Tom Beveridge, the headteacher of Alderbrook School in Solihull, which has recently introduced a voluntary phone hand-in scheme for Year 7s. More than half the year group have ...
Dr Thomas Faherty - University of Birmingham Publishing their findings in Nature Communications, researchers from the Universities of Birmingham and Manchester reveal that selective attention and ...
Police continue to investigate the stabbing which left the youngster with serious injuries near Scribers Lane in the Hall Green area of Birmingham ... Home ( to access the MIPP.