Fischler was a young character actor in the making when he shot Mulholland as a TV pilot that ABC infamously passed on. A few ...
Grammy-winning artist, drag queen, and... film aficionado? Here is the perfect campy classic movie night, according to ...
Before starring in the 2001 film directed by Lynch, Watts had starred in 1995’s Tank Girl and 1996’s Children of the Corn IV: ...
After earning Oscar nominations for directing The Elephant Man and Blue Velvet, the versatile and quirky writer and director ...
Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. && David Lynch was the creative genius behind 'Mulholland Drive' and 'Twin Peaks' David Lynch was the creative genius behind 'Mulholland ...
Los Angeles (United States) (AFP) – David Lynch -- the singular and surreal director of "Mulholland Drive" and ... a popular but troubled high school girl, it was years ahead of its time.
A visionary, his films included “Eraserhead,” “Blue Velvet” and “Mulholland Drive.” He also brought ... the film placed the murdered girl at center stage in a self-referential drama ...