Bugün Ä°stiklal Marşımızın kabul günü. Ankara'da bulunan Taceddin Dergâhında yazıldı. Dergâhın kuruluÅŸu 17. yüzyıla gider.
Kazasker Mustafa Ä°zzet Efendi, 19. yüzyılda Osmanlı Devleti’nin sanat ve siyaset dünyasının önemli bir ismidir. Hat sanatının ...
Prime Minister Mustafa also discussed intensifying efforts to halt the Israeli occupation aggression against the Palestinian ...
I never imagined that one day Hani Mustafa, the head of the Layout Department at Al-Ahram Weekly, would call me to request an ...
The absence of influential Gulf leaders from the Cairo emergency summit leaves the prospect of financing a Gaza Strip Arab plan in doubt, writes Ahmed Mustafa ...
There are reasons to believe that the presence of an accessible Starlink in the country will bear economic fruits rather than political ones, such as barring the government from imposing a complete in ...
He acknowledged that unnecessary network layers and excessive licences had been created, increasing costs for consumers ...
Ä°slamiyet’e dair tüm merak edilenleri Muhabbet Kapısı’nda cevaplandıran Prof. Dr. Mustafa KarataÅŸ, Kur’an-ı Kerim ve hadisler ışığında izleyenlere önemli bilgiler veriyor. Prof. Dr. Mustafa KarataÅŸ ...
The investigation into the murder of Mustafa Amir took a twist when the primary suspect, Armaghan, reportedly confessed to his involvement in the crime during police interrogation. Armaghan ...
Yıl 1984, yıllık iznim nedeniyle doÄŸduÄŸum kent Malatya’dayım. ÖÄŸrencilik yıllarımdan sınıf arkadaşım Kadın DoÄŸum Uzmanı Dr. Abdurrahman Pütürgeli, o dönem Malatya DoÄŸum Evi ...
The Palestinian Authority announced that its chairman, Mahmoud Abbas, will present a response to the Trump plan for the immigration of Gaza's residents at the emergency Arab summit to be held in ...
Youth and Sports Adviser Asif Mahmud Shojib Bhuyain yesterday said the Awami League must be eradicated politically and ideologically from Bangladesh. He said this must be done through a ban ...