The seventh season of My Hero Academia saw Eraserhead joining his students on the battlefield, attempting to use his Quirk to ...
As a popular anime series, My Hero Academia also boasts a collection of truly brilliant and memorable openings.
Vigilantes introduces the closest thing the franchise has to Batman, and here's everything you need to know about him.
LOS ANGELES, January 29, 2024 – Parrot Analytics today announced the winners for the 7th annual Global Demand Awards, with ...
Parrot Analytics announced the winners for the 7th annual Global Demand Awards with HBO’s “House of the Dragon” and Indian ...
How Will My Hero Academia’s Anime Bring Back Bakugo? The fact of the matter is that Bakugo returns to the battlefield to help ...
My Hero Academia is one of the biggest anime franchises in the world. Based on the manga by Horikoshi Kohei, it has become ...
Kohei Horikoshi himself claimed that Kaminari and Kirishima are his favorite character duo in My Hero Academia, not Midoriya ...
If you are an avid player of the game and are looking for the working My Hero Academia The Strongest Hero codes, then you have landed on the correct page. We will share a list of all working My Hero ...
Man, but is the Marvel Animation series a worthy successor to the web-slinger's past forays into the animated realm? Here's ...
Re-Living My Life with a Boyfriend who Doesn't Remember Me is translated by Esther Sun and lettered by Roland Amago.