If you've ever found yourself in a financial bind and needing quick cash, payday loans might have come across your radar. These short-term loans can be a saving grace when the bank balance is low, and ...
Payday lenders took in $2.4 billion in fees from cash-strapped consumers in a single year, a report from the Center for ...
Deposit My Cash Now discloses the risks of taking an online payday loan, illustrating care for its potential borrowers. The company recommends only borrowing the minimum amount of money you need ...
Here’s what you need to know if you owe money to a payday lender. The CFPB will now be able to restart its ... As the would-be chief regulator of payday loans, the agency became a prime target ...
Predatory lending is rampant in low-income communities, draining over $2.4 billion from cash-strapped borrowers. Protect your finances and support responsible lending policies.
When you need cash right away and don't have readily available savings, you might consider using a credit card cash advance or payday loan. Although both options allow you to get money quickly ...
The current cap on payday loans is $825. This expansion would allow up to $25,000 loans with longer loan terms, higher ...