Allen Toussaint, a renowned pianist, composer and singer, is now on the USPS' latest stamps as a part of their Black Heritage ...
Royal Mail should only deliver second-class letters every other weekday and not on Saturdays to protect the future of the ...
Bundles of undelivered mail were found in a trash can in Church Hill. The Postal Service's main watchdog says it is ...
ROYAL Mail is set to make a huge change to its deliveries in a massive shake-up for customers. The postal service could scrap ...
Scrapping some deliveries would save Royal Mail between £250 million and £425 million a year, according to Ofcom.
The regulator said it was also planning to cut delivery targets to bring them more in line with other European markets.
Second class post to be slashed to just three deliveries a week under Ofcom proposal - The first class service would remain six days a week - but price could go up ...