Platformers are alive and well on the Nintendo Switch, offering a wide range of options for all skill levels and ages, with both Nintendo and indie-developed games available. Alto's Odyssey, Kirby ...
R etro games may not have the same graphics or quality-of-life features as modern titles, but it’s hard to beat some of the old gems when it comes to charm. Better yet, many of ...
This Ghibliesque 2D platformer charts the adventures of a young swordswoman and her bond with a magical white wolf as they fight to defend their idyllic home from a dangerous corruption.
Related reads:Celeste Creators' Next Game Delayed: 'This Game Ain't Coming Out in 2024' For fans of the 2D platformer Celeste, you'll be sad to hear that the developers' next game, Earthblade, has ...
director Masahiro Sakurai. It was nothing like the original 2D platformers and instead a mix of an on-rails and third person shooter. That might sound a little limited but Kid Icarus: Uprising ...
This project started as a simple attempt at game development, but I quickly became engrossed in the process of designing traps, puzzles, and the overall gameplay loop. The result is a short and sweet ...
So, it can be hard to imagine that a compelling open-world game can keep players engaged even if it boasts 2D visuals. Plenty of video games let you play the role of a Samurai, but not many let ...
Antonblast just launched in 2024, but it looks like a long-lost side-scrolling platformer from the 16-bit era of the SNES or Sega Genesis. That’s not just due to the fantastic pixel art.
While Mario might get all the credit as Nintendo’s platforming king, he’s far from the only character that can deliver. While Donkey Kong has to stand in Mario’s shadow, some of Nintendo’s ...