The Soloviev Foundation announced today its collaboration with the Museum of the American Revolution and Donna Lawrence Productions to produce an imme ...
Some fair-goers were scolded by security workers for climbing a ladder in hopes of a closer glance at the California-born artist.
As Quicklizard embarks on this next phase of growth with Riverwood Capital, the company remains committed to its core mission: delivering state-of-the-art AI pricing technology that empowers retailers ...
Cra-Z-Art, a division of LaRose Industries, has purchased Joker AG, the world’s largest multi-compound manufacturer. Joker AG ...
The paintings that have been kept away from the market for more than 30 years will go on Christie's Surrealist sale in London ...
For only the third time this century, a painting by renowned Renaissance great Raphael is coming to auction. It is of Mary ...
A painting of a 19th-century yacht race was brought to Antiques Roadshow and is believed to be the work of a famed artist, ...
Robert Xavier Burden has created a massive ode to interstellar toys, featuring the action figures of 200 aliens and interdimensional beings from all over the popular culture landscape ...
Holmes believes that Bitcoin’s portability and scarcity make it even more valuable than traditional stores of wealth like ...
You can save a considerable amount of money by doing home improvement projects yourself, but this flooring DIY could come at ...
Navigating the world of art and antiques can be daunting for newcomers. However, with the right knowledge, you can make informed investment decisions without being an expert.