Gempa berkekuatan M 6,2 mengguncang Aceh Selatan pada pukul 18.03 WIB. BMKG mengatakan gempa tak berpotensi tsunami. Mensos Tri Rismaharini mengatakan belum ada laporan kerusakan efek gempa M 5,9 di ...
JAKARTA, Jan 31 (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.2 quake hit off the coast of Indonesia's Aceh province on Friday, the country's geophysics agency said on social media platform X. The quake was 29 ...
A wooden boat carrying over 100 Rohingya muslims, mostly women and children, landed in Indonesia's Aceh province after its engine broke down. The refugees, fleeing persecution in Myanmar ...
PEREULAK, Indonesia (AP) — A rickety wooden boat carrying more than 100 Rohingya Muslims landed Wednesday in Indonesia as the northernmost province of Aceh continued to receive the refugees ...
Over 600 Rohingya refugees have landed in East Aceh in the past year, including more than 260 weak and hungry refugees, mostly women and children, who landed in Pereulak in two boats earlier this ...
An Acehnese man distribute food to Rohingya refugees on a boat stranded on a beach in Peureulak, Aceh province, Indonesia, Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2025. (AP Photo/Husna Mura) ...
Negara-negara yang telah 'hilang' dari peta dunia karena berbagai alasan ini sudah tercatat ... Dito Ariotedjo menegaskan keselamatan harus menjadi prioritas utama sepanjang pelaksanaan PON XXI ...
TRIBUNGAYO.COM, BANDA ACEH – Penjabat (Pj) Gubernur Aceh, Dr Safrizal ZA MSi telah mengusulkan pengangkatan 16 pasangan Bupati/Wakil Bupati dan 2 pasangan Wali Kota/Wakil Wali Kota ke Menteri Dalam ...
Khususnya Aceh, proses pelantikan pasangan gubernur, bupati, dan wali kota terpilih mengikuti aturan sesuai Undang-Undang Pemerintah Aceh (UUPA). Berdasarkan ketentuan Pasal 23 ayat (1) huruf D Undang ...
Plt Kabag Kerja Sama dan Humas Wali Nanggroe, Zulfikar, SSos MSi, mengatakan dalam kunjungan itu, Ketua PT Banda Aceh didampingi Wakil Ketua Abdul Aziz, SH MHum, Hakim Tinggi Makaroda Hafat SH MHum.
(WTAJ) — The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) announced that they offered the Groundhog Club President a yearly sweet treat to make their weather prediction in exchange for the ...
Sky News host Peta Credlin discusses the “battle for survival” in her hometown of Wycheproof in northwestern Victoria. ACEN Australia is planning to build a large-scale wind project on ...