The futuristic carbon material has been added to a new road in Middlesborough, in a world-first public road trial ...
In a major first, a new graphene-enhanced road surface has been successfully tested on a public road in Teesside, North East ...
Mr Coxall said while the legs were just a bit of fun, his "joke" attracted media attention across the UK and as far afield as ...
Guy sticks upside-down legs in a pothole so it looks like a puddle-diver. His hilarious prank went viral and also alerted the ...
Drivers could be fined up to £2,500 if their attempts to avoid potholes are seen as driving without due care and attention. Currently, there are no clear answers as to whether avoiding a pothole could ...
Almost 80 councils have potholes first reported as far back as 2007 still marked as unresolved, according to new analysis by ...
Frustrated by the poor condition of a local road, a British villager decided to take humorous action. He staged a comical ...
Those living in the cul-de-sac have been in dispute with the county council for 70 years - and it has now been raised in Parliament. | ITV News Anglia ...
Swindon Borough Council has paid out hundreds of thousands of pounds for successful injury claims due to potholes and uneven ...
If you want to stop potholes from forming in asphalt roads, you've gotta get 'em while they're still just tiny cracks. A new ...
Figures showing the amount spent by Leeds City Council on fixing potholes and paying out for compensation claims have been ...