Learn about the common types of income: earned, passive, and portfolio. Discover tips and strategies to maximize your income.
From federal income tax to Washington state’s property and capital gains taxes, here’s a guide to procedures and deadlines ...
If you've found yourself in debt to Uncle Sam, there are many ways to pay what you owe, including working out an installment plan with the IRS. What you might not know is that you could ...
Do you have to file multiple federal tax returns? No, you do not file multiple federal tax returns for each job separately.
You should see this tax form if you were paid more than $5,000 in freelance income via third-party payment apps last year.
The IRS is always on the lookout for tax returns that just don't make sense. Making these five errors can increase the ...
You should see this tax form if ... appear on your tax form. In other words, that money from your roommate for her half of the restaurant bill is safe. "This is only for self-employment income ...
If you run your own business, have gone on maternity leave or are simply getting a few grey hairs, you may have heard from friends or family that you won’t be able to get a home loan. As it turns out, ...
If tax efficiency is a priority for investors, then focusing on tax-free and tax-efficient investments that allow money to grow while avoiding or minimizing tax liability is a must. Here are 10 of ...
Side hustles have become a vital financial tool, offering individuals the opportunity to diversify income, boost savings, and ...
"Self-employed taxpayers should prioritize compliance over inflated refunds," said the Head of Client Solutions at Clear Start Tax. "If you're unsure whether you qualify for a tax credit, it's best to ...
The IRS has identified a surge in deceptive promotions suggesting that self-employed individuals are eligible for a "Self-Employment Tax Credit." These claims are unfounded, as no such credit exists.