There’s a lot of complaining in Parshas Beshalach. At the end of Perek 15 מה נשתה , What shall we drink? In the next Perek, after bnei Yisrael travelled for a month, וילינו כל-עד ...
The weekly Torah portion ‘Beshalach’ concludes with the first battle the Jewish people faced after leaving Egypt – the war against Amalek. Amalek, the symbol of heresy and impurity and a ...
The first mitzvah that Hakadosh Baruch Hu commanded us as a nation was “hachodesh hazeh lachem rosh chodoshim’ – the mitzvah to sanctify the New Moon. Each month, we make note of this in the ...
One can leave the servitude of Egypt, but how does one get Egypt out of oneself? In this Torah portion, “Beshalach,” it is Egypt now pursuing the Israelites after we already left. God again ...
Much of this week’s Parshah highlights the epic conclusion to the Exodus, where the Jews cross the split sea, and the pursuing Egyptians are devoured by the raging waters coming back to their ...
Reading the beginning of the parsha, I could only think of the newly elected American President, standing together with his sidekick, the Prime Minister of Israel, interested only in self ...
Am Yisrael Chai; we are marching toward redemption. We must document their crimes for the sake of history, much like the story in the Parsha. We should constantly review these with our children so ...
Pesach, the holiday of freedom. But the central food item of this holiday – matzah – symbolizes slavery. Why? Because Pesach doesn’t just commemorate our freedom. It commemorates how we ...
In the Torah portion this week, Beshalach, we are told in Exodus 13:18 that the Israelites arose from Egypt “chamushim,” “armed.” This translation, “armed,” is correct, as we can ...
The Jewish tradition loves serious play with words. This week’s Torah portion begins with God’s telling Moses, “Go to Pharaoh” (Exodus 10:1) to tell Pharaoh to let the Israelites go.
It brings me great comfort when we read the stories of our ancestors and we see that they faced the same kinds of things with which we struggle. It tells us that we aren’t alone; someone has ...