The project includes upgrading traffic signal components at 10 intersections, bringing pedestrian ramps into ADA compliance, ...
The village of Granville entered into an agreement with ODOT on a traffic improvement project in the downtown. Here's what ...
While plow crews would normally have cleared snow from streets at least a few times by now, they have not been ordered out ...
WPTV is seeking answers to your traffic concerns and questions after a recent Let's Hear It community meet-up focused on traffic issues.
WPTV is seeking answers to your traffic concerns and questions after a recent Let's Hear It community meet-up focused on ...
The new tech will help the traffic department gather data to pinpoint times when traffic is the heaviest in the city.
Another change to the intersection at 3rd Avenue and Hobbs Drive/Bagley Street could be in the cards. At its meeting tonight, ...
The village also plans to add two left turn arrows directing traffic from Broadway onto South Main Street and Broadway to Pearl Street. “Those are two turn signals that are sorely needed ...
As year-end traffic pressures mount, Ho Chi Minh City is exploring temporary measures, including sidewalk use, to address ...
The project includes upgrading traffic signal components at 10 intersections ... between signals for better traffic flow. Current signal lights have detection to let the signal controller know ...
Locals avoid it and businesses are suffering because of backups, but ODOT says they'll need to see a pattern of accidents before making any major changes.
MCT Most California drivers have experienced the frustration of being stuck at a busy intersection ... turning left “should engage their left-turn signals around 100 feet before where they ...