Observing the distinct forms and bark of trees like bald cypress, crape myrtles, and redbuds provides visual interest.
Discover unusual trees you can bonsai, including fruiting and flowering varieties, to create a breathtaking centerpiece in ...
a shingle oak tree stands in the parkway holding all of its brown and curled leaves on a foggy February day. This phenomenon, called marcescence, adds a unique dimension to the winter landscape ...
Wildlife rangers in Belize saw an oddly colored creature fall from a tree and later identified it as a Spix ... One of the ...
Connecticut awarded $400,000 to 12 projects that will reduce the impacts of aquatic invasive species on inland waters in the ...
BOTANISTS have found a stand of rare trees in Zanzibar not known to grow wild anywhere else in Africa. The intsia trees ...
During the frigid days of winter, plant lovers are forced to turn their attention indoors. The bromeliads are a group of plants that adapt well to indoor conditions and lately have become more readily ...
An American ecotourist discovers the reality of trash pollution in Costa Rica's protected Tamarindo Estuary while vacationing ...
What’s a good replacement product for peat when I make or purchase potting mixes? Why shouldn’t we use peat products anymore?
With so much bluster coming from the White House, it’s time for America’s northern neighbour to step into the spotlight.
Plenty of classics made the list, as did books that capture particular, personal slices of New York.