Students explored the issues around Indonesia’s new capital city through local perspectives and historical examples of ...
There are Ork Warbosses and then there are the Five Greatest Ork Warbosses of All-Time! There are LOTS of Warbosses to choose ...
Reklamasi pascatambang masih menjadi masalah di beberapa proyek. Karena itulah, ada dana retensi yang ditahan dan baru ...
The Epic of Gilgamesh, considered the oldest literary work of humanity, has been studied for centuries. Its influence has ...
TANGGAMUS, Nenemonews (Lampung) – Pemerintah Pekon Argopeni, Kecamatan Sumberjo, Kabupaten Tanggamus, melakukan gotong-royong ...
The novel version of The Lord of the Rings featured a pair of Rohirrim named Elfhelm and Erkenbrand, who became Éomer's top ...
FAJAR.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Fenomena pagar laut ilegal yang terjadi di wilayah pesisir Banten menimbulkan keprihatinan dan stigma negatif terhadap pemerintah dan aparat penegak hukum yang seolah ...
In the mid-1960s, a Soviet military topographer was analyzing aerial photos of Ukraine when he came across some unusual shadows. Looking closely at the patterns of plants in a number of fields, he ...
Recent discoveries challenge ideas of a sharp divide between the haves and have-nots in ancient Mesopotamia, suggesting a larger middle class than previously thought.
Bentuk respons cepat terhadap keluhan warga terkait jalan berlubang, Polsek Modo melakukan pengurukan jalan berlubang. Pengurukan bersama warga ini dilakukan sebagai bentuk kepedulian. Pengurukan ...