Marty Hasselbach, managing director of Vancouver Film School, talks about the school’s new campus in Gastown. VFS started out with 12 students in 1987 and now has more than 1,300 graduates annually.
Discover in detail our award-winning, industry-leading production programs in Film, Animation, Game, Design, & beyond, the VFS student experience, and why we’ve been ranked a Leading Film School ...
Jan 16 | 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Add to Calendar 16-01-2025 10:00 16-01-2025 15:00 America/Toronto Vancouver Film School Acting Program Live Audition | Montreal VFS is hitting the road! This winter ...
An Oscar-nominated documentary about deaths, abuse and missing children at a former British Columbia residential school should be shown in schools across Canada, says a First Nations leader.