LI seniors offer advice on adversity, reveal what they'd tell their younger selves and share their happiest memories ...
Get smarter faster with unlimited lifetime access to over 1,500 book summaries and save 80% at StackSocial, plus an extra 20% ...
Rabbi Mayer Plotkin, a Montreal-based businessman who has directed many Chabad activities in the area for decades, tells of ...
Friendships, much like the chapters of a book, have their beginnings, their middle, and inevitably, their endings. The ...
Turn back the clock and discover 900 years of women’s history, have your spine well and truly tingled by a terrifying sci-fi ...
Jencks, who moved from Northwestern University to Harvard Kennedy School in 1996, passed away at his home on Saturday, Feb. 8 ...
In many ways, wisdom is a nebulous concept. Typically, it is associated with a blend of contextual and subjective elements such as cognitive skills, experience, learning, and emotional ...
Biblical scholar Susan Grove Eastman brings the apostle into conversation with today’s world. When Susan Grove Eastman told a ...
“You’re going to see your parents 15 more times before they die.” Those simple words changed my life – and they may change ...
Memoirs, novels, and picture books that offer words of wisdom, encouragement, and solidarity amid challenging times.