Batman faces his ultimate challenge as the mysterious Red Hood takes Gotham City by firestorm. One part vigilante, one part criminal kingpin, Red Hood begins cleaning up Gotham with the efficiency ...
and thinking about a few of the actors who have been fan-cast as Batman over the years and could realistically fit the bill, we've come to only one conclusion. Brian f*cking Dennehey! Yes ...
The creative director for Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal, Hugo Martin, is the game director of Doom: The Dark Ages - and he’s a big Batman fan.
Matt is committed to making the best film he possibly can, and no one ... Batman – Part II‘s release onto our screens. But Gunn feels that this is pretty normal, noting, “To be fair, a 5 ...
all the way back to the Batman: Year One era of Gotham. It shows Oswald Cobblepot working at the Iceberg Lounge when it was still owned by mob boss Carmine Falcone. Cobblepot had started as the ...