In the wake of devastating wildfires in Los Angeles that struck at the heart of the movie industry, the twice-delayed nominations to the 97th Academy Awards are being announced Thursday.
Temperatures get a tad bit warmer today.
South Korean investigators asked prosecutors to indict the country’s detained President Yoon Suk Yeol over his short-lived ...
Officials say four San Antonio police officers have been shot while responding to a “suicide in progress call." A heavy ...
It's a dilemma so many homeowners face - An appliance breaks down and it's out of warranty. One appliance shop owner said if ...
Firefighters are battling to maintain the upper hand on a huge and rapidly-moving wildfire that swept through rugged ...
Italy's highest court is hearing an appeal by Amanda Knox against a slander conviction for falsely accusing a Congolese bar ...
President Donald Trump’s promise to deport “millions and millions” of immigrants will hinge on securing money for detention centers. The Trump administration has not publicly said how many immigrant d ...
Attorneys for a man charged with murder in connection with the killings of four University of Idaho students are asking a judge to throw out most of the evidence in ...
This week’s frigid weather has many New York City residents shivering, scurrying into cozy spots and feeling sapped.
Inside the United States Postal Services' regional facility on Gardiner Lane in Louisville, packages and mail — many long past due to their destination — fill bins as workers try ...