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Adaware : sécurisez votre parcours numérique.
Adaware est le leader de la sécurité et de la confidentialité sur Internet. Nous proposons des solutions simples pour améliorer votre expérience en ligne. Restez connecté.
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The Adaware AdBlock extension blocks website ads, pop-ups and video ads, ensuring a faster online experience with less interruptions. Built-in security features protect your privacy and a simple user interface gives you full control of your online experience.
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Adaware Antivirus pro provides a complete line-of-defense against hackers, cyber threats and malware. Our revolutionary threat detection is powered by advanced antimalware technology that will block and eliminate any threats on your PC.
Adaware: Asegure su viaje digital.
Adaware es el líder en seguridad y privacidad de Internet. Ofrecemos soluciones simples para mejorar su experiencia en línea. Manténgase conectado.
Buy Antivirus Total, multiple layers of protection - Adaware
The on-demand scanner offers users multiple options for Antivirus scanning. With Adaware Antivirus, you are sure to be protected against any malicious behaviour when your definition files are up to date.