X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of synthesized CaO2 and reference
Advanced nanomaterials, including nano-calcium peroxide (nano-CaO2), induced Fenton-like treatment has been recently developed to effectively oxidise and remediate various organic...
Synthesis and characterization of stabilized oxygen-releasing CaO2 ...
Apr 15, 2018 · The transformation of chemical composition observed in FT-IR after grinding fitted the XRD results. Wet-grinded CaO 2 and CaO 2 synthesized in the aqueous phase exhibited a peak at 1464 cm −1 in FTIR analysis, which was more pronounced than the non-grinded CaO 2 -A and CaO 2 -B particles.
XRD patterns of CaO2 nanoparticles. - ResearchGate
CaO2 nanoparticles were synthesized by co-precipitation technique and characterised using XRD and FTIR. A mechanism was proposed for adsorption of acrylic acid onto CaO2 nanoparticles based...
XRD patterns of synthesized CaO2 with different addition rates of ...
We incorporated calcium peroxide (CaO2)-loaded polycaprolactone (PCL) particles into the PFC-chitosan matrix and subsequently evaluated the release kinetics of O2 and H2O2 from these...
Nanoscale CaO2 materials for synergistic transarterial ...
Dec 1, 2022 · Further qualitative analysis was evaluated using XRD and XPS. XRD indicated that CaO 2 NPs represented specific peaks (2θ = 30.1°, 35.6°, and 47.3°) [34], demonstrating the synthesis of CaO 2 NPs (Fig. 1 C).
Cu–Ferrocene‐Functionalized CaO2 ... - Wiley Online Library
May 24, 2021 · Comparing to the as-prepared CaO 2 nanoparticles, the X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectrum of CCF presents the consistent characteristics with three dominant peaks at 30.1°, 35.6°, and 47.3°, which are attributed to pure CaO 2 phase (PDF#03-0865; Figure 2d; Figure S1c, Supporting Information), and no additional impurities are observed. The ...
Controlled chemical synthesis of CaO 2 particles coated with ...
The XRD patterns of the as-prepared CaO 2 at all reactant addition rates completely matched the simulated XRD of the orthorhombic CaO 2 structure by Zhao et al. 34 It is concluded that the synthesized calcium peroxide structure was orthorhombic.
Controlled synthesis of innovative carbon-based CaO2 materials …
Jun 1, 2023 · XRD was conducted to identify the crystallographic structure of CaO 2 on the surface of the samples using a computer-controlled X-ray diffractometer (Ultima IV, Rigaku, Japan). The changes in surface morphology were observed by a Cold Field Scanning electron microscope (Regulus 8100, Hitachi, Japan).
XRD of (a) BaO2 (b) ZnO2 (c) CaO2 (d) CdO2. - ResearchGate
In the present study, nanoparticles of metal peroxides (ZnO2, CaO2, CdO2 and BaO2) were prepared by precipitation and methods respectively without carbonates impurity at a suitable reaction ...
information matches the data of a tetragonal crystal phase. The power X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern also shows that the as-synthesized spherical aggregates took a tetragonal crystal structure (Figure 3C). The broad diffraction peaks can be ascribed to the relatively small size of the nanocrystals in the aggregates.