Raora Panthera | Virtual YouTuber Wiki | Fandom
Its identity is Chattino, a popular Japanese character whose plushes often appear in crane games. [3] Chattino also represents chat. [3] The Chattini are said to be just a collection of inanimate plushies, and Raora is imagining chat. The plural of Chattino is Chattini. [3] Her fans are encouraged customize their own Chattino and add "-ino" to ...
【CHATTINI DAY】 12 Hours Marathon / Games & Fun with you!
『 X formely Twitter 』https://x.com/raorapanthera『 Hashtags 』╰┈ Live #CiaoRaora╰┈ Fanarts #RaorArt╰┈ Clips #RaraWara ...
Raora Panthera - ホロライブ非公式wiki - Seesaa Wiki
双子の番犬 を捕まえるためピザの国「ロマンス・エンパイア *3」から極東の地にやってきたピンクパンサー。 しかしそこで出会ったクレーンゲームのプライズ「Chattini(チャッティーニ)」に心を奪われ、任務のことを忘れてしまった。 挙句の果てに 犯罪者の逮捕を諦めてアイドルになる と、Justiceとしてあるまじきことを言い出す始末。 パンサーの身体的な特徴とし …
⚠️ Important public service announcement for all Chattini ⚠️
Spaghetto is the diminutive of spago (i.e. a small spago, a small cord), just like Chattino is the diminutive of Chat/Chatto (i.e. a little Chat).
Raora Panthera - Hololive Fan Wiki
Mar 11, 2025 · The Artist with the God Eyes, Raora Panthera is endowed with investigative and descriptive prowess. Her means of information gathering are diverse, utilizing not only her agility and social skills, but also various social media platforms and other… unique methods.
Chattino Appreciation Post : r/Hololive - Reddit
Raora's chat is known as Chattino (s) and Chattini (p) aka "little chat" and we are downright ADORABLE. It's halfway a pun in Italian, because "Kitten" is "Gattino" (plural "Gattini"), so it's chat + cat. It's not a holo fan name if there isn't a pun inserted in there.
ラオーラ・パンテーラ (らおーらぱんてーら)とは【ピクシブ百科 …
イタリア料理が大の得意であり、配信で本場イタリアのパスタの作り方をレクチャーしている。 レシピの一つであるバジルは自家栽培という気合の入れっぷり。 国外で魔改造された「なんちゃってイタリアン」のネタを公私問わず擦られる傾向にある模様。 多くのイタリア人が「これに手を出すくらいなら誇りと共に飢えて死ぬ」というほどの地雷の例に漏れず、彼女もまたパ …
Raora Panthera - HoloList
Raora Panthera (ラオーラ・パンテーラ) is a female VTuber who debuted on the 24th of June 2024. She is affiliated with hololive production. She speaks English, Italian, and beginner-level Japanese. Her fanbase is called "Chattini".
Chattino - Characters — MyFigureCollection.net
Jun 23, 2024 · A small blue mascot plushie which appears in Raora Panthera's official artwork holding a pen. Its identity is Chattino, a popular Japanese character whose plushes often appear in crane games. Chattino also represents chat. The plural of Chattino is Chattini. Her fans are encouraged customize their own Chattino and add "-ino" to their name.
Raora Panthera Ch. hololive-EN - YouTube