How do I create a bootable flash drive running MS-DOS 6.22?
Jul 9, 2017 · Rufus author here. As explained here, Rufus does not embed any version of MS-DOS with the application, so it doesn't matter what version of Rufus you use, you won't magically get a specific version but the Windows Millennium DOS version that Windows provides (that is, up to Windows 8.1, since Windows 10 removed it altogether, so there's no MS-DOS creation …
How do I create a custom, bootable MS-DOS ISO image?
Jul 17, 2017 · MS-DOS 6.22 boot floppy/diskette (or equivalent for your version of DOS) Injecting the Programs into the DOS Boot Disk. Open the DOS 6.22 boot floppy disk using WinImage. Select Image >Change Format, and increase the size of the boot disk to 2.88 MB - this will give you the space you'll need to inject your programs into it.
Install a CD-ROM driver on MS-DOS - Super User
Apr 19, 1999 · In both cases, the DOS prompt never appears, and the system does not accept commands. Thus, the computer is rendered useless. The problem appears to be caused by the line in CONFIG.SYS. When I boot MS-DOS from a floppy disk rather than the HD and remove that line from the file, the computer works just fine when I reboot from the HD.
MS-DOS 6.22 keyboard configuration - Super User
I have MS-DOS 6.22 in a virtual machine (Virtual PC 2007) and I wanted to properly configure the keyboard. The keyboard I have is a French-Canadian one (FYI in Windows XP my keyboard is labeled "Français (Canada) - Français (Canada)" in the control pannel).
batch - Loop n-times on DOS 6.22 - Super User
FOR /L %%parameter IN (start,step,end) DO command does not work on DOS 6.22. The /L argument to loop through a set of numbers is not available in DOS 6.22. FOR in DOS 6.22 can merely loop through...
How to give bootable MS-DOS 6.22 access to files?
Jul 16, 2017 · I need DOS 6.22 in order to run some legacy programs on very expensive hardware that I can't run the risk of trying another version of DOS or FreeDOS on. DOS 6.22 and the Windows 7 installers boot well enough, but the problem I'm now having is that I have no way of supplying the legacy programs I need to DOS once its been booted from the USB.
What version of MS-DOS does Rufus use to make bootable USBs?
Jul 9, 2017 · Note, also, that there's no such thing as "DOS 7.1". MS's version numbers are always X.YY. The copies of DOS 7.1 circulating out on the web are something that some individual put together, taking a copy of the DOS version supplied with 95OSR2/98/98SE and hacking the COMMAND.COM with a text editor to make it report version 7.1.
Access shared drive C: on Win 10 from MS-DOS 6.22
Jul 28, 2017 · I need to use a shared folder on a Windows 10 Host from a MS-DOS 6.22 computer. I can map the shared folder on MS-DOS but it behaves not as expected. If I create a folder on Win10 c:\sharedfolder, I can map that to lets say F: …
Starting MS-DOS in safe mode via config.sys menu? - Super User
Jan 6, 2015 · Well, there are ways to bypass the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files on startup, which would be close to something like a "safe mode" for DOS. Pressing F5 after restarting, when the "Starting MS-DOS..." text appears will bypass both CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT. F8 will cause MS-DOS to ask if each line in CONFIG.SYS should be executed.
File transfer from dos 6 system - Super User
Jan 8, 2019 · On my new job we have an old dos machine running dos 6.22. This machine is necessary for data acquisition for scientific experiments. So it needs to continue to work as it is. Since data transfer is a real pain I got the task to find a solution to transfer files from the dos machine to a Linux server, preferably automatic.