grammar - drop out vs dropout vs drop-out - English Language
May 1, 2019 · Cambridge dictionary has drop out as a "phrasal verb", and dropout as a noun. It does not have an entry for drop-out - but you could check other dictionaries.
What is the difference between "Drop in" and "pop in"
Aug 16, 2014 · drop: 4. To cause to fall (Definitions via freedirectionary) It seems like popping in has explosive intention behind it, while to drop in feels more calm and without implied intent. Both have elements of surprise. In my usage, I would pop in to my coworker's office but I may drop in (possibly late?) to a party.
What to call Primary School + High School, but not College
Mar 25, 2015 · The description of pre-college education as "compulsory" is 1.) rather British (as is the word "compulsory" itself, imo); and 2.) not strictly correct in the US, since students may drop out before completing high school.
When did it become fashionable to drop t's in certain words?
May 23, 2019 · I first noticed certain video bloggers pronouncing button as "BUH-ehn", with a distinct glottal stop between syllables, sounding like an overt attempt to avoid enunciating the "t". While button is ...
he got the drop on us - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Apr 18, 2019 · In some western movies one cowboy says to another 'looks like he got the drop on us Tex'.Just wondering what there that phrase originated?
-ing vs -in' ending - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Mar 1, 2012 · Info on sociolinguistic aspects of g-dropping. Pronunciation-wise, there's actually no 'g' to drop.
If you are talking "on behalf of" you and someone else, what is the ...
Which reflexive pronouns are used with 'on behalf of'? Having identified a fairly strong preference for "of my wife and I/me/myself" over "of I/me/myself and my wife," let's drop "my wife" out of the equation and focus on which reflexive pronouns are most commonly used in the expression "on behalf of I/me/myself." Here is the Ngram chart for "on behalf of …
abbreviations - Correct punctuation in company names - English …
Sep 3, 2011 · That convention has mostly died out save for a few publications such as The New Yorker and a few others. The BBC has even gone so far as to drop capitalisation of all but the first letter as soon as the initialism becomes an acronym (i.e. the letters are pronounced as a word rather than individual letters).
Is it acceptable to drop the comma in "Thanks, John"?
The main difference between lying and not using a comma in "Thanks, John", in your analogy, is that lying is a deliberate act of deception that often has negative consequences for the person being lied to, whereas dropping that comma is unlikely to have any negative consequences for the reader and is often not done deliberately. It's a poor analogy.
"Fill out a form" or "fill in a form" - English Language & Usage …
Does one fill out a form or does one fill in a form? I've gotten different answers from the people I've asked. Google search results: fill in a form — 14,200,000 fill out a form — 7,000,000