Ethylone - Drugs-Forum
Jul 7, 2013 · Ethylone is considered a research chemical with limited information, due simply to the lack of formal trials conducted on the compound. Ethylone acts as a strong reuptake inhibitor and releasing agent of serotonin thus it should never be combined with any other drug that acts as a serotonin reuptake inhibitor or releasing agent or any monoamine ...
Experiences - Ethylone (bk-MDEA) trip reports - Drugs-Forum
Mar 27, 2007 · Ethylone is quite stoning - the initial post above was submitted to Erowid under the title "Like MDMA without the fun." It is, however, an excellent booster after the peak of a methylone trip to make the ride down much smoother, more tolerable, and more useful to boot.
Ethylone (bk-MDEA) trip reports | Page 2 - Drugs-Forum
Jun 27, 2005 · During my research on the reagents Butylone and Ethylone, I have seen reactions similar to what other reporters have said. The reactions were very stoney looking, which is the Ethylone. With the vacum, ethylone doesn't reach it's full potential to assimilate properly, as longer reactions are sought after, even if it means burning more Ethylone.
Methylone - Drugs-Forum
Jul 19, 2010 · Methylone, also known as "M1", 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylcathinone, and bk-MDMA is an entactogen (class of psychoactive drugs that produce distinctive emotional and social effects similar to those of MDMA()) and stimulant of the amphetamine, phenethylamine, and cathinone classes.
Drug information 5-Methyl-bk-MDEA (5-Methyl-Ethylone)
May 30, 2010 · Another thing that I forgot to mention in my review is the difference between post-reaction qualities of 5-methyl-ethylone and M1 (and alternately, MDMA). While post-reaction qualities of the latter appear to be vastly negative (negativity increasing with the amount tested), I noticed no negative post-reaction qualities with 5-methyl-ethylone.
[MEGA] Cathinone Subthread - Methylone, ethylone, pentylone.
May 11, 2012 · Oh no, I've found it to peak for about three hours.. I've found the peak to last like 2 hours (god, maybe 1.5), so 2 redoses would be necessary to extend things, and the returns are even more diminishing than with mdma. I'd honestly do an oral redose like a half hour into the peak, and then...
RCs - 5-Methyl-Ethylone | Page 4 | Bluelight.org
Nov 4, 2008 · I'm stupidly skeptial of all of these low-ish postcount trip reports. Hell, I haven't posted in a good year or so and logged in to mention this. It's completely silly to even consider taking these seriously until some older members post. Just about all threads on newer RCs get this same sort...
Drug information - Ethylone (bk-MDEA) - Drugs-Forum
Feb 6, 2012 · Please post info about ethylone here. Can anyone add information about: names / synonyms molecule dose duration side effects legal statusExperiences...
bk-MDEA / Ethylone - Bluelight.org
Feb 24, 2009 · Be careful chasing.the feeling on ethylone just like with methylone..I wud say there slightly more urge to redose.on ethylone for some reason.Defenitely limit ur redose if one is taken to just one.booster.if you must then two.but I wud suggest having some benzos.or somn that will kill the serotonin release.I think a few antidepressants.work for ...
[MEGA] Cathinone Subthread - Methylone, ethylone, pentylone.
May 11, 2012 · 300 is more a standard dose for me these days (IV) pushing it above that can give me some pretty bad heart palpitations and i get to paranoid to enjoy the buzz. i never suffered any adverse health effects from shooting it. my friend had some problems with her mouth. im 4 days sober after a 3 week binge in which a had a scary flirtation with forming an addiction. lol who …