Mud Hole Custom Tackle, based in Oviedo, Florida, is the world’s largest supplier of rod building & tackle crafting goods and instruction. From rod building and repairing, to fly tying and lure building, Mud Hole is the leading e-retailer and mail order supplier to hobbyists, small manufacturers, and large OEMs, worldwide.
15 1⁄4” 15 11/16” 15 11/16” 16 1/8” 15” 15” 15” 15” 14” 14” 14” 14” 16 1/8” 15” 15” 15” 15” 15” 15” 15” 15” 15” 15” 15 ...
Align the rear hole on the rod stand with the bottom slot on the HWS Base and slide a Rod Stand Bolt (E.) through both pieces. Install a washer and tighten the wing nut to secure.
Oviedo, FL, August 17, 2021 – With students across the country returning to school this fall, Mud Hole Custom Tackle is stepping up in its efforts to bring custom fishing rod building and tackle crafting to the youth of America. As the industry’s number one supplier of tools, supplies, components, and education content, Mud Hole is uniquely positioned to engage kids and …
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Mud Hole Custom Tackle, based in Oviedo, Florida, is the world’s largest supplier of rod building & tackle crafting goods and instruction. From rod building and repairing, to fly tying and lure building, Mud Hole is the leading e-retailer and mail order supplier to hobbyists, small manufacturers, and large OEMs, worldwide.
Guide spacing from tip Guide spacing is for general purpose applications, you may choose to further refine. For more information please visit AnglersResource.net.
Guide spacing from tip Guide spacing is for general purpose applications, you may choose to further refine. For more information please visit AnglersResource.net.
Morton Micro Guide Graph This guide has been designed to aid you in proper placement of Micro & Concept Guides. It utilizes angle to the tangent of the blank curve to achieve this. Unlike other guide placement tools this will take into consideration the action of your blank to properly place guides in the range that your blank flexes the most and requires more support. While this tool ...
47 3⁄4” 47 3⁄4” 53 3⁄4” 53 3⁄4” 46 3⁄4” 49 3⁄4” 42 1⁄2” 48 1⁄2” 48 1⁄2” 48 1⁄2” 48 1⁄2”