Novi Sad - Wikipedia
Novi Sad (Serbian Cyrillic: Нови Сад, pronounced [nôʋiː sâːd] ⓘ; see below for other names) is the second largest city in Serbia after the capital Belgrade and the capital of the autonomous province of Vojvodina. It is located in the southern portion of the Pannonian Plain on the border of the Bačka and Syrmia geographical regions.
Novi Sad Tourism Organization
Novi Sad interesting places, attractions and recommendations for sightseeing, stories about cultural-historical heritage, wine and gastronomy
Novi Sad | Danube River, Petrovaradin Fortress & Vojvodina
Mar 14, 2025 · Novi Sad, city and administrative capital of the ethnically mixed autonomous region of Vojvodina in northern Serbia. It is a transit port on the heavily trafficked Danube River northwest of Belgrade and is also situated on the Belgrade-Budapest rail line.
15 Best Things to Do in Novi Sad (Serbia) - The Crazy Tourist
Jan 26, 2020 · Everything you see is from the immediate reconstruction, but none of Novi Sad’s lustre was lost. The city’s love of art and music lives on at the EXIT Festival, one of Europe’s biggest summer music events. Let’s explore the best things to do in Novi Sad: 1. Petrovaradin Fortress Source: Igor Matic / shutterstock Petrovaradin Fortress
Tourism | Novi Sad
NOVI SAD – THE EXPERIENCE YOU MISS. Novi Sad attracts visitors with its orderliness, safe anchorage by the Petrovaradin fortress - "Gibraltar on the Danube", different languages spoken by its inhabitants, festivals, fairs and a rhythm that deviates from the busy, chaotic city time.
Нови Сад — Википедија
Нови Сад је градско насеље и седиште истоимене територијалне јединице у Србији. Административни је центар Војводине и Јужнобачког управног округа. Према попису из 2022. било је 260.438 становника, што га чини другим насељем по броју становника у Србији. Налази се у јужном делу Панонске низије, на граници Бачке и Срема.
13 Things To Do In Novi Sad, Serbia: A One Day Itinerary
Mar 5, 2024 · Novi Sad is a lovely small city that really deserves as much attention as nearby Belgrade. Though compact, there are many things to do in Novi Sad that can keep visitors occupied for several days and travellers are sure to enjoy the laid-back pace of this beautiful town.
Novi Sad railway station canopy collapse - Wikipedia
On 1 November 2024, the concrete canopy of the main railway station in Novi Sad, Serbia, collapsed onto the busy pavement below, killing 16 people and severely injuring one more.The station building was constructed in 1964, and was renovated from 2021 to mid-2024 with support from China's Belt and Road Initiative.The cause of the collapse is still under investigation.
Novi Sad – Wikipedija
Novi Sad predstavlja upravno, gospodarsko, kulturno, prometno i znanstveno središte Autonomne pokrajine Vojvodine. S 306.702 stanovnika u naselju Novi Sad i 368.967 u širem urbanom području koje uz sam grad uključuje i naselja Petrovaradin, Srijemsku Kamenicu i Futog, drugi je grad po broju stanovnika u Srbiji nakon Beograda.
Novi Sad — Википедија
6 days ago · Novi Sad je gradsko naselje i sedište istoimene teritorijalne jedinice u Srbiji. Administrativni je centar Vojvodine i Južnobačkog upravnog okruga. Prema popisu iz 2022. bilo je 260.438 stanovnika, što ga čini drugim naseljem po broju stanovnika u Srbiji. Nalazi se u južnom delu Panonske nizije, na granici Bačke i Srema.