What is Bebras? Bebras is an international initiative aiming to promote Informatics (Computer Science, or Computing) and computational thinking among school students at all ages. Participants are usually supervised by teachers who may integrate the Bebras challenge in their teaching activities.
The Bebras challenge is an international challenge on informatics and computer fluency for all age of school students. It is performed at schools using computers. The contestants are usually supervised by teachers who may integrate the challenge in their teaching activities.
The following countries organize an annual Bebras Challenge on Informatics and Computational Thinking and hence participate in the Bebras initiative. By clicking on country flag you will get its national Bebras site.
The history of Bebras challenge began on September 25, 2004, in Lithuania, when experimental trial, in which 779 school students participated, was held. Its aim was to check selected technologies of the challenge and to evaluate the level of complexity of the presented problems.
Official Website of the Bebras Organization, organizer of the International Challenge on Informatics and Computational Thinking
Click on presented icons and look at the tasks that you can get during the Bebras challenge.
Being a member of the Bebras initiative for a country essentially involves the following two duties: organizing the national Bebras challenge in the country, and contributing to the International Task Workshop. Bebras members are organizations that are involved with informatics and education.
How can Bebras contribute to teaching informatics and computatio-nal thinking effectively? Wolfgang Pohl, BWINF, Germany) day 27 Think computationally with Bebras Event for the 20th Anniversary of the Informatics and Computational Thinking Challenge September 26-27, 2024
Establishment - Bebras
“Bebras International” is an international association of organisations in the field of Informatics. Its goal is to promote computer science and computational thinking among youth, teachers, and the general public.
BELLE (Bebras & ViLLE) – Computational Thinking EDUCA –Education for the Future –flagship funding targeted to highly distinguished research programs that demonstrate scientific excellence (2024-2031), 12,6 MEur funding per 4 years University of Jyväskylä, University of Turku, University of Helsinki,