Each of the University of Alberta’s five campuses are listed below - select the one relevant to you to access maps and information on buildings, facilities, accessibility, and more.
The University of Alberta is a busy place — more than 44,000 students across 18 faculties at five separate campus locations — four in Edmonton and one in Camrose — plus other unique locations across the province. Learn about each of the unique campuses that make up the fifth largest university in Canada.
The University of Alberta's north (main) campus is easy to get around - you can walk across it in about 15 - 20 minutes or move around even quicker with a bicycle. A campus map is available online; use this tool to find the location of your courses and other events; it even shows most buildings' interior.
The University of Alberta is a Top 5 Canadian university and one of the Top 150 in the world. Explore our campus and find out what makes our student experience so rich, meaningful and life-changing.
Jul 11, 2024 · Discover University of Alberta campus, photos, videos and location via virtual tour, showcasing its area, size, and map. Explore University of Alberta Campus photos including buildings, architecture, student life, and more.