.177 caliber - Wikipedia
.177 caliber or 4.5 mm caliber is the smallest diameter of pellets and BB shots widely used in air guns, and is the only caliber generally accepted for formal target competition. It is also sometimes used for hunting small game, like fowl.
Gamo 6110017154 Varmint Air Rifle - amazon.com
Jan 16, 2016 · The Gamo Varmint Air Rifle shoots a .177 PBA Platinum alloy pellet at 1250 fps, making it an ideal pellet gun for hunting small game , pest control, and target practice. A 4x32mm scope allows you to pick-off small, hard-to-see targets.
Amazon.com : Barra Air Guns Sportsman 900 BB Gun Rifle for …
Oct 29, 2015 · USE YOUR CHOICE OF .177 CALIBER (4.5mm) PELLETS OR BBs for tons of shooting fun with plenty of power for target shooting and backyard plinking.
Benjamin Armada Air Rifle - amazon.com
Apr 24, 2015 · PCP-POWERED .177-CALIBER AIR GUN – Great for target shooting and medium-sized game hunting ; REVERSIBLE BOLT-ACTION – For right and left-handed sportsmen ; MODULAR DESIGN WITH RIFLED BARREL – Quiet and versatile with on-board air pressure gauge ; 10-ROUND ROTARY CLIP MAGAZINE – Multi-shot capable, delivers speeds up …
To ensure that your air rifle maintains uniform power, it is important that you apply a drop of Crosman RMCOIL every few hundred shots into the compression chamber.
45 mm anti-tank gun M1937 (53-K) - Wikipedia
The 45 mm anti-tank gun model 1937 (factory designation 53-K, GRAU index 52-P-243-PP-1), nicknamed the Sorokapyatka (from Russian сорокапятка, or "little forty-five"), was a light quick-firing anti-tank gun used in the first stage of the German-Soviet War.
'와' 투자도 안 했는데? 한화 불펜, 시범경기서 미친 존재감! ERA 1.77 …
Mar 12, 2025 · 🔥 한화 이글스 불펜, 2025시즌 시범경기서 압도적 활약! 🏆한화 이글스의 뒷문이 이렇게 강했던가? 🤯 지난 시즌 약점 보완을 위해 FA 시장에서 ...
45 mm anti-aircraft gun (21-K) - Wikipedia
This was a copy of a 3.7 cm (1.5 in) German weapon designed by Rheinmetall that was sold to the Soviets before Hitler came to power in 1933 that had been enlarged to 45 mm (1.8 in) to reuse a large stock of old 47mm ammunition.
Japanese Experimental Anti-tank Weapons. - Axis History Forum
Apr 5, 2005 · A while ago I came across two experimental Japanese anti-tank weapons that I had never even thought existed. The two weapons concerned, see attached pics were the 45 mm Type 5 Recoilless gun and the 70 mm Type 4 Rocket launcher.
Umarex Airem 2 Break Barrel .177 Caliber Pellet Gun Air Rifle
Having realistic and modern features, this air soft rifle has the smoothest break barrel action. The Umarex Airem 2 break barrel air rifle delivers the functional features shooters demand. Powered by Umarex's TNT power system, the Airem 2 launches pellets downrange at …