Telling the Time in English Vocabulary
Jan 8, 2025 · There are two common ways of telling the time. 1) Say the hour first and then the minutes. (Hour + Minutes) 2) Say the minutes first and then the hour. (Minutes + PAST / TO + Hour) For minutes 1-30 we use PAST after the minutes. For minutes 31-59 we use TO after the minutes. When it is 15 minutes past the hour we normally say: (a) quarter past.
Telling the Time - The English Space
This table shows how to talk about the time in hours in minutes. Hours and Minutes. Now that you know how to say the time, you need to know how to ask and answer questions about time. What time is it? What’s the time? Do you have the time? It's ... Learn how to talk about time in English.
What is ten minutes to nine in digital clock? - Answers
Dec 23, 2024 · Ten minutes to nine in a digital clock would be displayed as 8:50. This is because each hour on a digital clock is divided into 60 minutes, with each minute represented by a number from 00 to...
What's The Time? - English Grammar | English4u
a.m. = ante meridiem = the time from midnight to noon = from 00:00 to 12:00. p.m. = post meridiem = the time from noon to midnight = from 12:00 to 24:00. The 24-hour clock is the most commonly used time notation in the world today. But in English speaking countries the 12-hour clock is the dominant system of time written and spoken.
"Passed" or "Past" - Referring to a time in past compared to now
past (except for The Past - meaning all time up until now) on the other hand is normally really a way of comparing two events, and generally means further than or later than. It's time for bed. It's past eight o'clock!
What does ten to nine mean on a clock? - Answers
Oct 28, 2024 · Ten to nine on a clock means it is ten minutes until it is nine o'clock. Half past ten means it is 10:30, or a half an hour past ten.
Time Calculator : Easily Add or Subtract Time
Time calculator online: add time or subtract time to and from a given date and time (Time Adder). Add or subtract hours, minutes or seconds to a given time using our time calculator. See what time will it be in XX hours, what time will it be in XX minutes, or what time is 30 minutes from now.
What time is it? | Learn English
Sep 16, 2014 · Here are the key phrases you need to know. o'clock. Half past (thirty minutes past) Ten-past, Twenty past. In British English, we only use past until half past (30 minutes past). We then start to use to, 'twenty to eight' (7:40). Quarter-past (15 minutes past) Ten to, Twenty to. Quarter to. Noon (midday) and Midnight.
5 Simple Rules for Telling Time in English
Aug 17, 2017 · With minutes 1 – 29, we say it’s past (or after) the hour. For example, “It’s ten past three”, or 3:10. Or another example, “It’s twenty after eight”, or 8:20. With minutes 31 – 59, we say to (the next hour). For example, when it’s 10:40, we say “It’s twenty to eleven” (Eleven minus twenty minutes).
How to tell the time in English - Grammar Tips
Nov 19, 2015 · For times outside the hour and five-minute intervals, we say minutes past or minutes to: 01:01 (one-oh-one) – one minute past one 01:02 (one-oh-two) – two minutes past one