Hendecagon - Wikipedia
In geometry, a hendecagon (also undecagon [1] [2] or endecagon [3]) or 11-gon is an eleven-sided polygon. (The name hendecagon, from Greek hendeka "eleven" and –gon "corner", is often preferred to the hybrid undecagon, whose first part is formed from Latin undecim "eleven". [4])
List of polygons - Wikipedia
In geometry, a polygon is traditionally a plane figure that is bounded by a finite chain of straight line segments closing in a loop to form a closed chain. These segments are called its edges or sides, and the points where two of the edges meet are the polygon's vertices (singular: vertex) or …
Hendecagram - Wikipedia
In geometry, a hendecagram (also endecagram or endekagram) is a star polygon that has eleven vertices. The name hendecagram combines a Greek numeral prefix , hendeca- , with the Greek suffix -gram .
Names of polygons with 11 sides to 20 sides? - Answers
Oct 17, 2024 · A polygon with 11 sides is called a hendecagon, while a polygon with 12 sides is called a dodecagon. Moving along, a polygon with 13 sides is called a tridecagon, and so on up to a 20-sided...
Hendecagon -- from Wolfram MathWorld
Mar 5, 2025 · A hendecagon is an 11-sided polygon, also variously known as an undecagon or unidecagon. The term "hendecagon" is preferable to the other two since it uses the Greek prefix and suffix instead of mixing a Roman prefix and Greek suffix.
Hendecagons - polygons with 11 sides - GraphicMaths
Oct 10, 2022 · Hendecagons are eleven-sided polygons. Learn about their exterior and interior angles, symmetry, and diagonals.
What is an 11 sided polygon called? - Cuemath
What is an 11 sided polygon called? In geometry, a polygon is a closed two-dimensional figure with three or more straight lines. Answer: 11 sided polygon is called Hendecagon. Let's look at a polygon with 11 sides. Explanation: A polygon is said to be regular if it has equal length on all of its sides and with equal angles at each vertex.
Hendecagon Definition (Illustrated Mathematics Dictionary)
An 11-sided polygon (a flat shape with straight sides). (Sometimes incorrectly called an Undecagon)
What is an 11 and 12 sided shape called? - BYJU'S
11-Sided shape: Any polygon of 11 sides is known as hendecagon or Unidecagon. It has 11 sides and 11 vertices. The measurements of interior angle of hendecagon is 147 . 27 ° and exterior angle measure is 32 . 73 ° .
Hendecagon | Math Wiki | Fandom
In geometry, a hendecagon (also undecagon) is an 11-sided polygon. The name "undecagon" is often seen as incorrect, but the matter is up for debate. The Greek prefix 'hen', is preferable to the Latin 'uni' or 'un'. A regular hendecagon has internal …