12oz vs. 16oz cans, the new beer vessel debate? - BeerAdvocate
Jan 29, 2017 · I find the 16 oz can the perfect amount of beer. I don't mind the 4 packs, but you do get shortchanged a little. I definitely prefer can to bottle. I definitely prefer 16 oz to 12, and I …
16 oz vs 12 oz cans | Community - BeerAdvocate
Jun 2, 2019 · Surly, BeerAdvocate's "Best Brewery in America" of 2007,* has been selling most of its line in 16 oz. cans since 2006, exclusively so** until adding 12 oz. can 12-packs a couple of …
Ounces to ml / ml to Ounces - The Calculator Site
16 oz to ml. The number of milliliters in 16 fluid ounces depends on which fluid ounce unit you are measuring with. For US fluid ounces, 16 ounces equate to 473.2ml (or 1 US pint or 2 US …
Convince me that 16oz cans are worth buying - BeerAdvocate
Feb 6, 2023 · Every year for the past decade I get 16 oz can 6 packs of Narragansett Octoberfest and every year I dread its going to go away and switch to 4 packs lol. It already happened with …
16 oz vs 12 oz | Community - BeerAdvocate
Jan 27, 2018 · The marketing aspects raised by @NeroFiddled are interesting here. I know the IPA category is plagued by the 16OZ stickered can marketing ploy (that is, many breweries …
16oz can rack/dispenser for the fridge? | Community - BeerAdvocate
Feb 21, 2016 · I have never seen one for 16 oz cans. My solution when I've had trouble organizing beers in my fridge has been to buy another fridge. My electric bill is insane but I …
Rolling Rock Extra Pale | Latrobe Brewing Co. | BeerAdvocate
16 ounce can, can't read the dating on the bottom of the can. Served in a dimpled mug, the beer pours a clear gold color with about an inch and a half frothy off-white head that stuck around a …
Ounces to Pounds Converter (oz to lb) - The Calculator Site
Pounds (lb) = Ounces (oz) ÷ 16 As an example, if we wanted to convert 12 ounces of flour to pounds, our calculation would look like this: 12 ÷ 16 = 0.75 pounds
Pabst Blue Ribbon Extra | Pabst Brewing Company - BeerAdvocate
16 oz can from Boise Co-op. Clear golden pour with a lasting cap of creamy head. Grainy, musty aroma. Taste is malty and grainy, and tastes likeca PBR, but the body has more heft.
16 oz beer koozie? | Community - BeerAdvocate
Jun 1, 2014 · With all these awesome beers now coming in 16 oz cans, does anybody make a taller koozie to fit them? #1 Larrygto , May 31, 2014 RBCORCORAN Initiate ( 0 ) May 18, …