1K SMD Code Search - All Transistors
1K KC848B SOT23: NPN 1K KC848BW SOT323: NPN 1K KST6428 SOT-23: NPN 1K LBC848BDW1T1G SC88: Transistor 1K LBC848BLT1G SOT23: Transistor 1K LBC848BWT1G SC70: Transistor 1KM LMBT6428LT1G SOT23: Transistor 81K LMBZ5259BL SOT-23: ZenerDiode 34A1K LN1134A17ADR DFN-6 : LinearRegulatorIC 34B1K LN1134B17ADR DFN-6 : LinearRegulatorIC 34C1K
1K Marking, 1K Datasheet, 1K PDF - Free Datasheets, Small Signal ...
Marking: 1K. Part #: BC848B. Package: SOT-23. Datasheet: 301Kb/6P. Manufacturer: General Semiconductor. Description: Small Signal Transistors (NPN). 127 Results.
Marking of electronic components, SMD Codes 1K, 1K***, 1K-, 1K…
NPN transistor: 1K- SOT-143B BCV61B: NXP: NPN transistors: 1K=*** SOT-25 RT9715BGBR: Richtek: Power Switch: 1KW SOT-23 BC848B: NXP: NPN transistor: 1KW SOT-143B BCV61B: NXP: NPN transistors: 1KZ SOT-23 FMMT4400: Zetex (Now Diodes) NPN transistor: 1Kp SOT-23 BC848B: NXP: NPN transistor: 1Kp SOT-143B BCV61B: NXP: NPN transistors: 1Ks SOT-23 ...
The SMD components marking codes database - Starting with '1K'
When repairing an unknown electronic board, it becomes so difficult to know what is the exact type of a given component. This database allows to quickly find the part number of a SMD component when you have only the marking code. Showing codes starting with '1K' 2.9V±0.8%, -Reset PPO, Rel. Delay, Undef. Protect.
1K Marking, 1K Datasheet, 1K PDF - Free Datasheets, Small Signal ...
Marking: 1K. Part #: BC848B. Package: SOT-23. Datasheet: 301Kb/6P. Manufacturer: General Semiconductor. Description: Small Signal Transistors (NPN). 110 Results.
Switching Transistor PNP Silicon MMBT4403L, SMMBT4403L Features • S Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring Unique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC−Q101 Qualified and PPAP Capable • These Devices are Pb−Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free and are RoHS Compliant MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value Unit
BC848B transistor, Marking code - 1K-,1Kp,1Kt,1KW. Pinout. Datasheet.
Marking: 1K with an additional letter, or dash sign, denoting the manufacturer.For example - 1Kp and 1K- (made in Hong Kong), 1Kt (made in Malaysia), 1KW (made in China). Package: SOT-23, 1-collector, 2-emitter, 3-base. Collector-outpute Capacitance|C ob |: 4,5 pF (max.) Table for identifying the type of SMD devices.
1K Marking, LBC848BLT3G Datasheet(PDF) - Shanghai Leiditech …
Marking: 1K. Part #: LBC848BLT3G. Download. File Size: 1MbKbytes. Page: 13 Pages. Description: General Purpose Transistors NPN Silicon. Manufacturer: Shanghai Leiditech Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Search results for: 1k Transistors Datasheets – Mouser
1k Transistors Datasheets. Products (45,290) Datasheets; Images; Newest Products; Types of Transistors Change category view List Images. Bipolar Transistors - BJT (10,218) Darlington Transistors (538) Digital Transistors (3,477) GaN FETs (391) IGBT Modules (1,608) IGBTs (1,784) JFETs (913) MOSFET Modules (668)
Wholesale transistor 1k And Transistors For Circuits - Alibaba.com
Find wholesale transistor 1k, CPU transistor parts, and much more at Alibaba.com. Buy transistors and other electronic components from international suppliers.