Dual N-Back
Scientifically proven brain training game improves working memory. This web app allows you to analyze and export advanced statistics on your progress over time.
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How to Play Dual N-Back: A Beginner’s Guide
Dual n-back is a cognitive training task which exercises your working memory in a way that has been shown, in numerous peer-reviewed scientific studies, to have a significant positive effect on intelligence. The task is quite challenging, and it may take a little while for you to get the hang of it.
BrainScale.net Training App
Dual N-Back exercise online with top results rating and progress statistics. It is scientifically proven that the N-Back task improves working memory and fluid intelligence.
Brain Workshop - a Dual N-Back game
The dual n-back task involves remembering a sequence of spoken letters and a sequence of positions of a square at the same time, and identifying when a letter or position matches the one that appeared earlier.
Example of the 2-Back Working Memory Task details the 0-Back …
The 2-Back is a verbal working memory task in which series of consonants are presented visually, one every 3000 ms (2500 ms stimulus and 500 ms interstimulus interval).
play Dual-N-Back online | Nback | n-back task-working
Dual N Back game - N-back task. Play the game here, Dual N-back is a cognitive training program, intended to improve your working memory.
Dual N-Back
Dual N-Back tests memory and focus by combining two stimulus types, like spatial and auditory. Other modes include Single N-Back, Tri N-Back, and Quad N-Back, depending on the number of stimulus types combined, offering varying levels of complexity for …
What is dual N-Back and my personal progress - Jakub Marian’s ...
What is dual N-Back good for? The great thing about the concept of dual N-Back is that it forces your brain to increase the capacity of your working memory (or at least to use it better).
N-Back Memory Training
As the trials progress, update your memory with new items and forget the old ones. You only need to remember n items for each n-back level. That is, for 2-back, you only need to remember the previous 2 items. For 3-back, you only need to remember the previous 3 items, etc.