.22 LR as my primary SHTF round - Survivalist Forum
Jun 16, 2015 · I've been thinking about the viability of .22 LR as a primary round for SHTF-- specifically, the Ruger 10/22 and Mark II/III. The Pros: - Ruger reliability in both cases - Interchangeable ammo - Extremely lightweight rifle/pistol combo - Both can be set up to meet the end user's exact criteria
22LR.... is this the best for SHTF? - Survivalist Forum
Oct 20, 2023 · .22lr is a tool that I recommend having in your SHTF toolbox, both handgun and longarm, along with plenty of ammo. Like any toolbox though, each tool has it's uses and is not the solution to every problem.
The best SHTF/TEOTWAWKI .22lr Pistol? - Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
Jan 2, 2006 · What would the best 22lr pistol be for SHTF/TEOTWAWKI? It would be used for defense and small game hunting. Customs OK. Ideally, would like to spend under $1000. I would like this pistol to be accurate enough to replace the need for a …
22LR Rifle/Pistol for SHTF/BO - Survivalist Forum
Jul 25, 2009 · A Ruger 22/45 would be great for a bob. If going on foot I would take either the rifle or shotgun (if I take a long gun) and a 357mag or 45 on my hip. The 22 pistol would go in the bob with the snubbie revolver. The major advantage of 22's is ammo weight
22LR pistol for long term survival? : r/Bushcraft - Reddit
Jun 2, 2023 · David Cantenbury recommends a 22LR pistol and a single barrel shotgun with a 22LR insert for long term survival situation (see video linked below)…
22lr for SHTF - Oklahoma Shooters
Feb 14, 2023 · I think there is great value in a rimfire gun for shtf, however it dang sure shouldn't be your only option...unless you simply don't own anything else. they can be good for food sourcing, 10'000 rounds can fit in a backpack. Not too good for defense, but better than a …
Survival 22LR Pistols : r/preppers - Reddit
May 3, 2023 · In a true SHTF scenario I'd have to go for a 22LR revolver like a Ruger SP101, Wrangler or some of the older SW ones (model 17 etc) but those are $$. I have a Ruger SR22 and I like it. It’s basically a more Americanized Walther P22 ripoff.
TOP SHTF Survival Pistols - YouTube
Jun 1, 2023 · I did however leave out one huge PRO to revolver and that is you can shoot ANY .22lr ammo out of them without worry about cycling issues. Ruger makes some great .22lr handguns.
.22lr for SHTF survival : r/22lr - Reddit
The Air Force puts .22 takedown survival rifles in planes. You can carry tons of ammo, you can take small game and even game up to deer sized if you really had no other choice, and lots of rounds of .22 coming at someone makes a decent self defense option too.
best .22 for SHTF - Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
Aug 28, 2012 · In my closet I have these 22s to choose from: scoped 10/22, 4.5" Neos pistol, 6" Neos pistol w/red-dot, Neos carbine kit w/scoped barrel, Henry lever action .22, and a SR22 pistol.