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2634 Monmouth Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90007 - Zillow
2634 Monmouth Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90007 is currently not for sale. The 5,388 Square Feet multi family home is a 4 beds, 6 baths property. This home was built in 1920 and last sold on -- for $--. View more property details, sales history, and Zestimate data on Zillow.
See results only from zillow.com2634-2636 Monmouth Ave #3, Los Angeles, CA 90007 | Zillow
2634-2636 Monmouth Ave #3, Los Angeles, CA 90007 is an apartment unit listed for rent at $4,000 /mo. The -- sqft unit is a 2 beds, 2 baths apartme…
2634 Monmouth Ave #1, Los Angeles, CA 90007 - Zillow
2634 Monmouth Ave #1, Los Angeles, CA 90007 is currently not for sale. The -- sqft apartment home is a 8 beds, 8 baths property. This home was built in null and last sold on -- for $--. View more property details, sales history, and …
2634 Monmouth Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90007 | Redfin
2634 Monmouth Ave is a 4,788 square foot multi-family home on a 6,164 square foot lot with 4 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms. - it last sold on September 27, 1988 for $230,000. Review property details and add renovations. Update home photos or make them private. Track your estimate and nearby sale activity.
- Size: 4788 sq ft
- Property Information: 4 bed
2634 Monmouth Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90007 | realtor.com®
See sales history and home details for 2634 Monmouth Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90007, a 4 bed, 6 bath, 5,388 Sq. Ft. multi family home built in 1920 that was last sold on 09/27/1988.
2634 Monmouth Ave Unit 1, Los Angeles, CA 90007 - realtor.com
See 2634 Monmouth Ave Unit 1, Los Angeles, CA 90007, a apartment located in the North University Park Historic District neighborhood. View property details, similar homes, and the nearby...
2634-2636 Monmouth Ave #3, Los Angeles, CA 90007 | Zillow
2634-2636 Monmouth Ave #3, Los Angeles, CA 90007 is an apartment unit listed for rent at $4,000 /mo. The -- sqft unit is a 2 beds, 2 baths apartment unit. View more property details, sales history, and Zestimate data on Zillow.
2634 Monmouth Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90007 - Homes.com
This home is located at 2634 Monmouth Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90007 and is currently estimated at $2,399,568, approximately $445 per square foot. 2634 Monmouth Ave is a home located in Los Angeles County with nearby schools including Vermont Avenue Elementary School, John Adams Middle School, and Manual Arts Senior High School.
2634 Monmouth Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90007 Property Record
This property is a 4 bedroom, 6 bathroom residential duplex built in 1920 sitting on a 0.141 acre lot located at 2634 Monmouth Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90007. Last sold in 2021 for $18,750,000 with 5,388 sq ft of living space.
2634 Monmouth Ave Los Angeles, CA 90007 - Trulia
2634 Monmouth Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90007 is a 4 bedroom, 6 bathroom, 5,388 sqft multi-family built in 1920. 2634 Monmouth Ave is located in University Park, Los Angeles. This property is not currently available for sale. The current Trulia Estimate for 2634 Monmouth Ave is $3,041,600.
2634 Monmouth Ave, Los Angeles, CA - Owner, Sales, Taxes
View property information for 2634 Monmouth Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90007, including sales history, owner names, contact info, taxes, title documents, mortgages, permits and much more.