Three Character Classic - Wikipedia
The Three Character Classic (Chinese: 三字经, 三字經), commonly known as San Zi Jing, [1] also translated as Trimetric Classic, [2] is one of the Chinese classic texts. It was probably written in the 13th century and is mainly attributed to Wang Yinglin (王應麟, …
三字經 "The Three-Character Classic" in Side-by-Side Translation
The Sanzi Jing, usually translated as the Three-Character Classic, has been a required text for all Chinese children and was used in Taiwan at least as late as the 1960s. Kids would recite it as a group, accompanied with the swaying of the body to give it a proper rhythm.
《三字经》 San Zi Jing "Three Character Classic" Full Edition with …
The Three Character Classic, Trimetric Classic or San Zi Jing is one of the Chinese classic texts. It was probably written in the 13th century and attributed to Wang Yinglin (王應麟, 1223--1296) during the Song Dynasty. It is also attributed to Ou Shizi (歐適子, 1234--1324).
San Zi Jing - Three Character Classic in Chinese and English: …
Jul 2, 2020 · Jeff Pepper's San Zi Jing (Three Character Classic) is a wonderful addition to knowledge about China, appropriate to learners of all ages, bringing a timeless Chinese classic to English reading audiences.
- 4.6/5(9)
三字經 – San Zi Jing | CozyChinese.COM
Mar 29, 2008 · The Three Character Classic, Trimetric Classic or San Zi Jing is one of the Chinese classic texts. It was probably written in the 13th century and attributed to Wang Yinglin (王應麟, 1223-1296) during the Song Dynasty.
Three Character Classic : San Zi Jing 三 字 经 - Chinasage
It is divided into three character groups in blocks of four, 12 characters in each section. The characters follow a rhythmic structure to be spoken out loud by the whole class. It dates from the Song dynasty (around 1280CE) and is attributed to Wang Yinglin or Ou Shizi .
Three Character Classic - Chinese Text Project - 中国哲学书电子 ...
English translation: Herbert Giles [?] 人之初,性本善。 性相近,習相遠。 Three Character Classic:...: are naturally good. their habits become widely different. 苟不教,性乃遷。 教之道,貴以專。 Three Character Classic:...: the nature will deteriorate. is to attach the utmost importance in thoroughness. 昔孟母,擇鄰處。 子不學,斷機杼。 Three Character Classic:...:
三字經 by Yinglin Wang | Project Gutenberg
Apr 25, 2008 · "三字經 by Yinglin Wang" is a classical pedagogical text written during the Song Dynasty in China, which spans from the late 10th century to the early 13th century. The book …
三字經 "The Three-Character Classic" in Side-by-Side Translation
Kong Ji (also called Zi Si) was a grandson of Confucius. Discusses the importance of living according to the Dao. to governing in peace. can be started. Filial piety was the underpinning for Confucian society. Every person was expected to behave according to their position in the family and society. Failure to do so would result in chaos.
The Three-Character Classic - University of California, San Diego
The “Three-Character Classic,” or Sān Zì Jīng 三字經 is a small book designed to serve as initial reading instruction to children, the “McGuffey Reader” or “Dick and Jane” of the Chinese empire. It consists of small snippets of information arranged into lines of four groups of three characters each, designed to be memorized and rhythmically recited.