'94 Ciera 3.1L V6 engine idle/running issues - Car Forums and ...
Nov 29, 2004 · '94 Ciera 3.1L V6 engine idle/running issues Cutlass Series Car Forums '94 Ciera 3.1L V6 engine idle/running issues - Car Forums and Automotive Chat Our Community is 940,000 Strong.
1991 Camaro RS V6 3.1L tachometer probs. - Car Forums and …
Apr 8, 2005 · 1991 Camaro RS V6 3.1L tachometer probs. gokussgohan2. 04-08-2005, 09:33 PM.
3.1L performance - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
May 22, 2005 · Just an FYI, the 3100 SFI, the second generation 3,1L V6, built from 1995 untill around 98-99, is the same as the 3.1 except it has aluminum heads (as far as I know, all Lumina APVs and TranSports had cast iron heads, any other first gen 3.1 would have aluminum) with splayed valves for better flow, a better water pump and roller lifter cam.
Trans Sport - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
1995 3.8 V6 - Engine problem; Dtc41; Spun Rod bearing 3.8; TCC Repair 3.1L TS; 3.1 Engine hesitates after restart when hot; New to me old to the world, TS - pile of problems, can we solve them? Help with body parts; windsheld frame; 95 3.8 miss on #4 cylinder; 1993 TrasSport 3.8L Quad Driver Codes 26 and 56; 95 3.8 backfiring
Other GM cars that use the 3.1 - Automotive Forums .com
Aug 13, 2003 · The new (2004) 3.5L and the upcoming 3.9L are based on the same block as the 2.8L/3.1L/3.4L 60-degree V6. Depending on where the mounting points are, they should all be interchangable. In the case of the Ford engines, the 2.5L Duratec engine from the Contour/Mystique/Cougar is basically the same structure as the …
EGR Valve on 1994 Grand Prix SE V6 3.1L? - Car Forums and …
Jan 9, 2004 · According to the Pontiac info I can find, the 1994 Grand Prix SE engine is listed as a "V6-3100 3.1L". So, I'm not sure what you mean by the "3.1" being different than the "3100". AutoZone also lists the available engines for that year as a "6 Cylinders 191 M 3.1L SFI" or "6 Cylinders 207 X 3.4L SFI".
Can a 3.1 be supercharged? - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
Mar 9, 2004 · I believe the McLaren Grand Prix Turbo was made 89-90 which had the standard 3.1L V6 but had a added turbocharger and intercooler made bu McLaren Engines. There were 3725 made in 89 and 3750 in 90. They have 205hp, but only came in automatic. I'd say find one of those engines and transmissions and do a full swap.
Malibu - Page 9 - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
Coolant Leak 98 Mal V6 3.1l; 98 blinker comes on when brakes are hit; run on starter on maxx; 2000 Malibu keyless entry reprogamming; 99 Malibu Dies until hood is opened then shut!! 98 malibu difficult to start; Intake leak; 99 malibu front strut mount; 2000 malibu quits running differant conditions; Lacks power and surging; 2000 Chevy Malibu ...
3.1L v6 For Sale! - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
Jan 27, 2005 · 3.1L v6 For Sale! highspl. 01-08-2005, 12:35 PM. I am selling a 3.1L v6 191ci engine out of a 1993 olds ...
Cutlass Series - Page 13 - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
Headers for a 1993 3.1L V6 Cutlass Supreme? 1995 cutlass not starting; 94 cutlass rattling sound under the car... high temp. thermostat vs. low temp. thermostat; 96 engine won't start after rebuild; HELP! Overheating problem has me worried 1989 Cultlass Calais; 1997 Cutlass P0306 Code; Remote Key programming