Surplus Nuclear Materials - Department of Energy
DOE 3013 containers (a nested package of three containers) are used to store surplus plutonium material. Prior to being packaged at various sites across the EM complex, the plutonium is stabilized in accordance with established standards for 50-year safe storage.
This Standard provides guidance for the stabilization, packaging and safe storage of plutonium-bearing metals and oxides containing at least 30 wt% plutonium plus uranium. It replaces DOE …
Mar 7, 2023 · DOE-STD-3013-2012 iii ABSTRACT This Standard provides guidance for the stabilization, packaging, and safe storage of plutonium-bearing metals and oxides containing …
Plutonium materials shipped to KAC are sealed inside DOE standard 3013 containers that are nested in robust, state-of-the-art, certified shipping packages called 9975s.
Packaging of the Pu-bearing materials after stabilization relies on the use of a minimum of two individually welded, nested stainless-steel containers known as 3013 cans.
Crimp sealed food pack cans. DOE Standard 3013 containers. Designed for 50. No. year storage.
Electrolytic decontamination of the 3013 inner can - OSTI.GOV
Dec 31, 1998 · Disposition of plutonium recovered from nuclear weapons or production residues must be stored in a manner that ensures safety. The criteria that has been established to …
Recent plutonium stabilization, storage, and radiation shielding ...
Dec 1, 1997 · The capability is being developed at Hanford to package stabilized SNM into the welded containers called for by DOE Standard 3013-94. Two storage concepts (in-floor and …
Category I and II Special Nuclear Materials (SNM) require storage in vault or vault type rooms as specified in DOE orders 5633.3A and 6430.1A. All category I and II SNM in dry storage on the …
DOE-STD-3013 provides criteria for the stabilization, packaging, and safe storage of plutonium-bearing materials for up to 50 years.