Reloading the 32 S&W - Smith And Wesson Forums
Jun 25, 2012 · A charge of ~2.0gr. of either W-231 or Unique behind that bullet will approx. duplicate factory ballistics. There are slightly better low-pressure choices of gunpowder (like PB or SR-7625), but I don't know what you have available. The ammo factories continued to load .32 S&W ammo with FFFG black powder well into the 20th century.
32 Cal. S & W CTGE Need help Identifing Age and Value
Dec 4, 2012 · My dad's gun and I am wondering what it is.<BR><BR>32 Cal. S & W CTGE on side of barrel.<BR><BR>On top of the barrel is stamped Harrington and Richardson Arms Company<BR>Worchester, Mass USA PAT Oct 6, 1895<BR><BR>Number on bottom of the handle is 156660 and 660 on barrel<BR><BR>It opens up and is hammerless(I think I am describing it correctly).
32 caliber S&W Model and year help - Smith And Wesson Forums
Nov 25, 2024 · Yes, that picture is helpful. You have a .32 Double Action, 4th Model made around 1890. Here are a couple of known ship dates with serials that bracket your gun's..32 Double Action serial 133302 shipped in November 1889. .32 Double Action serial 159542 shipped in September 1890. The grips that came on your gun were black hard rubber like those ...
S&W 32 long - Smith And Wesson Forums
Nov 25, 2024 · The .32 S&W Long, and the .32 Colt New Police are the same cartridge. The .32 Long Colt is not interchangeable with either, as it originally used a heeled bullet (like the .22 RF). As such, it's extemely doubtful that your father in law had a S&W Model 31-1 revolver chambered in such a cartidge as .32 Long Colt.
Clerke 1st .32 - Smith And Wesson Forums
Oct 31, 2017 · It has "CLERKE'S 1ST MFG CLERKE TECHNICORP Santa Monica California" stamped on it as well as "32 S&W" and of course a serial number. Took me awhile to work out how you load it. You have to pull out a pin and then the cylinder slides open to the right side. Holds 5 rounds. It needs a good cleaning.
Smith & Wesson Model 32 TERRIER (.38 S&W)
Oct 22, 2018 · The S&W Model 32 Terrier is a small frame revolver in .38 S&W. It was manufactured from 1936 to 1974. They resemble the more common Model 36 Chief's Special. The primary difference is that the M32 is chambered for the older .38 S&W cartridge rather than the more common and more powerful .38 Special chambering of the Model 36.
.32 S&W cartridge and .32 S&W Long and .32 ACP
Oct 26, 2018 · The .32 S&W Long cartridge is derived from the .32 S&W, by increasing the overall brass case length, to hold more powder. Since the .32 S&W headspaces on the rim and shares the rim dimensions and case and bullet diameters of the longer .32 S&W Long, .32 S&W cartridges may be fired in arms chambered for these longer cartridges.
Smith & Wesson 32 WCF CTG - Smith And Wesson Forums
Aug 29, 2021 · Welcome to the forums from the Wiregrass! That is a .32-20 Military & Police hand ejector. AKA the .32 Winchester or .32 Winchester Center Fire (WCF) revolver. Since it has gold medallion grips and I do not see a trademark stamp, I believe it was made in 1919. S&W stopped making these guns in 1930 due to poor sales.
.32 cal top break - Smith And Wesson Forums
Feb 25, 2013 · I agree with Guy that it would be difficult or impossible to covert a nice old S&W 32 top break. If you simply are wanting a top break style .22 caliber revolver just look for one of the Iver Johnson or H&R models chambered for .22 RF. Some of them are very similar in appearance to the S&W top breaks.
Inherited S&W .32 Safety Hammerless Information
Jun 5, 2012 · You have a Smith & Wesson .32 Safety Hammerless, 1st model. AKA Lemon Squeezer. It shoots the 32 S&W (Short). It is dated to somewhere near 1888-1902. Best guess would be 1888- early 1889 A really cool revolver. My guess on value would be somewhere around $350 $500 Regards, Gearchecker