www.ERIdirect.com 1-800-ERI-DIRECT (374-3473) Please attach to the outside of any package that contains an electronic device with a large lithium battery or batteries.
Class 9 Lithium Battery UN3481 Labels, SKU: LB-4014-D
Our Class 9 Lithium Batteries Labels meet the most up to date DOT, ICAO and IATA labeling requirements for shipping lithium batteries. Our paper labels allow for an economic and efficient option for shipping you packages safely. These labels include an …
UN 3481: Lithium ion batteries packed with equipment including …
Substance information for UN 3481 - Lithium ion batteries packed with equipment including lithium ion polymer batteries based on the Hazardous Materials Table (Title 49 CFR 172.101) to assist in preparing a risk assessment for loading, transporting and storing hazardous materials.
Amazon.com: Un3481 Label
SmartSign Pack of 250 UN 3481" Lithium Battery Labels on a Roll | 4.75" x 4.5" Semi Gloss Paper, Made in USA
UN 3481 - Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods Class 9 Placards - GC Labels
Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods Class 9 UN3481 Removable Vinyl DOT Placard MPN# P322c3481 - Laminated Removable Vinyl Placard - Package of 50 Placards - Designed in accordance.. $1.67
D.O.T. Labels - "Lithium Ion Batteries Contained in Equipment UN 3481 …
Labels can be combined for quantity pricing. Identify ground and air shipments containing equipment with installed lithium ion batteries. Complies with D.O.T., I.A.T.A. and I.C.A.O. requirements. Gloss paper with permanent adhesive. Hazard Class 9.
UN3481 Labels - For Lithium Ion Batteries - Labelmaster
UN3481 is a UN ID for lithium ion batteries. There are two entries in the DOT Hazardous Materials Table for UN3481. Are Lithium batteries considered hazmat? Yes. Lithium batteries are …
These instructions have been specifically prepared for the shipment of lithium batteries fully regulated as Class 9, UN3090, UN3091, UN3480, UN3481; effective January 1, 2023; ADR 2023. DO NOT USE THESE SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS FOR OTHER BATTERY TYPES.
Class 9A Lithium Battery Label with UN number - Labeline.com
Ensure compliance with international shipping regulations using Labeline’s Class 9A Lithium Battery Labels. Designed for hazardous lithium batteries, these labels feature the UN number and meet ICAO/IATA requirements for air transport.
Class 9 Battery Label Lithium Ion UN3481 - TDG Placard Sign
Battery Shipping Label for UN# 3481 Lithium Ion Contained In or Packaged With Equipment Standard Size: 6" x 4.5" Reduced Size for Small Packages: 4.25" x 3" For Lithium Ion Cells or Batteries see UN# 3480