.375 Winchester Contender...Im so confused.... - Graybeard Outdoors
Aug 25, 2011 · Last weekend I bought a used old style frame Contender with a 14" .375 Winchester barrel. Since then, I have read so many posts on different forums regarding the fact that the .375 Win is too much for the Contender frame to handle, and that frame stretch is very likely to occur with factory loads.
Need .375 Winchester Loads - Graybeard Outdoors
Sep 2, 2007 · Just bought a Marlin 375 on an auction and I should get it this week. I have a couple of boxes of the Winchester 200 Gr. factory loads but I would like to make up some good 150 yard loads with the 220 Gr. FN bullets. I have lots of new brass and many different powders. What is your pet load for the .375 regardless of the bullet weight?
Differences b/w .38-55 and .375 Winchester | Graybeard Outdoors
Jun 12, 2005 · The main concern about firing a 375 Winchester round in a 38-55 chambered firearm is the pressure. Chambering a 375 round in the 38-55 would be easy but unwise in an older firearm. I cannot advocate the practice of mixing the two rounds but I know what I'd do.
.375 Winchester pressure/frame question? | Graybeard Outdoors
Jan 24, 2017 · Looking at the .375 Winchester barrel I'm wondering why is it that this ok to shoot in the contender but something like the .444 marlin causes issues with kabooms etc... They beefed up the winchester lever action for the .375 Winchester but …
Shoot .375 win in 38-55? - Graybeard Outdoors
Jan 11, 2008 · The suggestion was only to get true 375 Win bore dia. The 38-55 and 375 are not the same dia and that was why Winchester made the bulets a true .375 for the 375 caliber. The 38-55's have always been at least .376, usually more like .378 or …
Good 375 Winchester Load? - Graybeard Outdoors
Oct 27, 2005 · Well after a few days at the range they Encore shined. My 375 Winchester is a shooter, 5 shot 100 yard group of 1.263 with the following load: Winchester case RL-7, 37 grains Hornady 220 gr FP CCI BR-2 primers, I've switched to them for most everything...even for this type of stuff. 2.560 OAL No visual signs of pressure and very pleasant to ...
375 Winchester Pistol: Cast Loads and other info
Oct 16, 2011 · You could load your 375 win as if it were a 38-55 for plinking loads. DONT SHOOT 375 loads in an older firearm chambered in 38-55! Don't use 38-55 brass to make 375 loads. The 375 Winchester is a completely different critter than the 38-55
Opinions of the 375 Winchester - Graybeard Outdoors
Dec 24, 2009 · Just picked up a Winchester XTR Big Bore 375 Win in amazing shape (heck I don't think it was ever outside of the persons safe) and I'm trying to decide what to do with it. It doesn't have a scratch but it's calling my name and will more than likely go to the range this summer to see what it likes.
.375 Winchester and G2 Contender - Graybeard Outdoors
Mar 3, 2008 · The .375 JDJ with it's greater powder capacity is able to be loaded with a larger charge as well, thus taking advantage of lower pressure and still get greater velocity by means of a greater volume of gas expansion after ignition. Just a couple of ways that helps reduce the overall pressure of the .375 JDJ compared to the .375 Win.
Questions on a Ruger #3 in .375 Winchester - Graybeard Outdoors
Nov 29, 2004 · Yokon Gold I have never known anyone to have a 375 Win that did not like it and tend to brag on its killing power on deer. In your arsenal it would fit in between the 30/30 and the 06 but in a small compact arm. The 375 is originally from Winchesters Big Bore 94 series developed in the 1970s. Others with it are the 307 Win, 356 Win.