RELOADING THE 38-55 - SASS Wire Forum
Dec 2, 2021 · 2. A less understood problem is chamber length in older .38-55 rifles. If you attempt to reload a 0.380" bullet in a standard, modern piece of .38-55 brass at 2.080", chances are good that it will not chamber in an old rifle. In an effort to rectify this problem, many shooters have had their chambers reamed to make them longer.
Smokeless powders for 38-55? - SASS Wire Forum
Jun 30, 2020 · I’m working up some hunting loads for my 38-55 Sharps. I have lots of 220 grain jacketed soft point pills, and am looking for thoughts from those who get double duty from their guns. Yes, it shoots great with Goex and a postell, but feels down right anemic if a deer were the target instead of a gong.
Need help reloading my 38-55 - SASS Wire Forum
Feb 16, 2011 · Have loaded 38-55 an have seen bulge. The win. brass like most 38-55 is quite thin Im in total agreement with correct dia. projectile for accuarcy reasons if you have chambered that far ir may be a c.o.l. issue easy to check. Look for rifling marks on lead, an try seating bullet deeper (within reason).
38-55 SAMMI Specs - SASS Wire Forum
Nov 29, 2011 · As far as SAMMI specs go, they do not seem to apply to the 38-55 very well. Sounds like the Charley Harley has a rifle that is bore sized to shoot .375 Winchester bullets. Marlin typically sized their modern 38-55's to around .378 or larger with a short chamber, too short for even the short 38-55 brass.
Need 38-55 smokeless loads for blackpowder barrel
Feb 19, 2023 · The new line is, of course, not intended for high power smokeless ammunition and its use in this grade is not advised by the makers: only black powder ammunition and equivalent loads such as low power smokeless should be used. …
Trouble chambering 38-55 reloads? - SASS Wire Forum
Nov 28, 2011 · The .38-55 cartridge was to become obsolete with the introduction of the new .30-30 cartridge but it was too popular with target shooters. As the story goes Winchester decided to produce ammunition for both calibers from the same brass case blank.
38-55 Sharps reloading tips - SASS Wire Forum
Nov 17, 2020 · 38-55 is a great caliber. It was developed for target shooting, back when that was the National pastime instead of baseball/football! 375 seems small for a 38-55! I use minimal crimp in my 38-55 HiWall. Heaviest Bullet I can shoot in it is 310 grn. 1/18 twist. Yours should go a tad heavier. I have some 345 grn bullets but they would not stabilize.
advice on 38-55 dies - SASS Wire Forum
Nov 27, 2016 · For brass I use only Starline 2.125 cases (the old Ballard rifle length) in the Uberti & H&R. I also had an 1887 Wurfflein relined for 38-55 using the 375 chamber reamer. For this rifle with a mid range vernier and the Ideal 37584 (379 diameter) - same MOA accuracy. All my 38-55 reloads are black powder. Maybe one day I'll try smokeless - just ...
Single Shot 38-55 or 45-70 - SASS Wire Forum
Feb 18, 2011 · The .38-55 is considered as a very soft-shooting, soft hitting round that is great for target work, not very destructive on meat and requiring very good precision or very disciplined shooting (close range) to bring home the venison. The .38-55 can be shot well but is more difficult to find than .45-70.
Loading the 38-56 Winchester - SASS Wire Forum
Jan 31, 2024 · There isn't much difference between the 38-55 and Marlins 38-56. Kid Rich. Posted February 1, 2024. Kid Rich.