3R Group - Your sustainability journey
3R Group Ltd welcomes the Ministry for the Environment’s draft Second Emissions Reduction Plan as a key step to transitioning Aotearoa New Zealand to a truly low-emissions, zero-waste economy. 3R supports the submission made by the Sustainable Bu. Read More
3R - About us - Leading product stewardship schemes
3R was founded on the belief that combining sustainability with leadership and innovation provides the formula for future business prosperity. Since our inception in 2004, we have grown to become a team of highly skilled and like-minded individuals.
Contact Us - 3R
Whether you need help with biological materials, technical materials, or both; 3R can partner with your business to assess your current waste, then help you reduce it.
Services - Become More Sustainable With 3R
3R are experts in managing conflicts of interest and drawing companies together to find solutions we can all work with. Companies also gain confidence from knowing their industry scheme has been designed to best practice, particularly in terms of governance and transparency.
Product Stewardship - Reduce Your Environmental Impact - 3R
We can help your business or industry group identify and explore the best opportunities then make them happen. With our Sustainable Futures Accelerator we have created a robust process that ensures your product stewardship success.
Our Sustainability Journey - 3R
3R has completed a Sustainable Development Report annually since 2014/15 and each year submits it to the Sustainable Business Council for review. We find the process to be invaluable in supporting our sustainability journey.
News - Keeping You Informed - 3R
3R received ISO 45001:2018 certification in 2021. The ISO 45001:2018 certificate is valid for 3 years and includes annual surveillance audits which provide a valuable framework for further growth.
Our Sustainability Work - 3R
Whether you need help with biological materials, technical materials, or both; 3R can partner with your business to assess your current waste, then help you reduce it.
Where 3R began - with two men in a shed - 3R
wenty years ago, in a rural shed just outside Hastings, two men sat down to solve a problem. Armed with a couple of laptops, an innovative mindset, and a vision to tackle waste in a different way, Graeme Norton and Bruce Emerson formed what would become 3R.
From 3R Group to Peru and beyond
Jun 12, 2024 · Our ISO 14001:2015 certification includes 3R Operations, the Paint Product Stewardship Programmes, ChemCollect Service and the SeatSmart Child Car Seat Recycling Programme (owned and operated by 3R). This certification is audited by TELARC.